By Momoko, who runs Momosan Shop—a homeware shop in Hackney, London—and Kota, designer at Arrival, the electric vehicle maker. Together, they run a family with two smiley youngsters:
To us, Tokyo Slow represents loosening up and taking the time to appreciate things around us. We mixed the relaxing vibe with our personal longing for visiting our home in Japan, as we had to cancel our trip due to the current situation. We hope that this playlist will accompany your mellow sunny afternoons or whenever you want to hang loose 🤙🏼
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Mixtape by Pietro Quaglia, owner at Pietro Nolita.

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Mixtape by Josh Rubin, Founder and Executive Creative Director at COOL HUNTING.

Mixtape by Pietro Quaglia, owner at Pietro Nolita.

Mixtape by Sae Yamamoto, owner at ten Tokyo.

Mixtape by Josh Rubin, Founder and Executive Creative Director at COOL HUNTING.

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