tokyobike Rentals Yanaka, Japan

tokyobike Rentals Yanaka, Japan

tokyobike is as much about the journey as the destination and much of that Tokyo Slow style comes from our hometown of Yanaka. You can now experience that same way of life on a tokyobike, cruising around Tokyo at your own speed. Scroll down to learn how you can get on your own two wheels if visiting our favorite city.
tokyobike Rentals Yanaka

A concept shop that serves as a gateway to the east side of Tokyo. Located on the former site of the 300-year-old sake purveyor Isego, the shop is a great place to start the day with quality coffee and countless ideas for the day ahead.

In addition to offering a colorful range of bicycles for touring the streets of Tokyo, the shop also sells Japanese lifestyle products and serves a selection of sake from Isego.

4-2-39 Yanaka Taito-ku
Tokyo, Japan

Make a bicycle reservation

Once on a bicycle, take it Tokyo Slow through the tiny alleys of Yanaka and be sure to experience the specialty shops and delicious restaurants in the neighborhood.

Need help finding those cool spots? Here are two guides that will help you lead that local lifestyle for a few days.

Sakura in Tokyo
Yanaka City Guide

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